quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2008


Brazilian women have an image of hotness and open sexuality. Is that true? Most people, usually from outside of the country, think all Brazilian women are like that. The media sells it and it's really sad that many people, especially men, have this prejudice and come down to Brazil to consume it.

We have Carnival, a beautiful and special party. Most foreigners don't understand that culture and think it's a luxurience experience that women are dancing almost naked and wanting to fuck with everybody. Come on! We are tired of that kind of prejudice, of course is the media's fault, especially the Brazilian's one, but lots of documentarians and videomakers don't understand or feel the real atmosphere and they don't elucidate our culture properly.

Americans do it even worst with their stupid and boring films from Hollywood. They do it with every culture.

Is so wrong that women are always available to casual sex? Most of that are conservatives. In the same hand we've got the image of Sweden women are really liberated! Is that true?

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